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Mass Production Presentation, Replay Video

THANK YOU form coming out to visit us for our last presentation of 2022:  Mass Production – Toaster to Ammo Box held on December 10, 2022.

The Commemorative Air Force is an all-volunteer run museum where you can experience living history.  Our mission is to Educate, Inspire, and Honor through Flight and Living History Experiences.

During World War II, American manufacturers produced massive amounts of supplies for the U.S. military and U.S. allies. The Lionel toy train company started producing items for warships. Ford Motor Company produced B-24 bombers. Packard built Merlin engines. On Saturday November 12th the Commemorative Air Force Southern California Wing at the Camarillo Airport will conduct a presentation on American mass production in support of the war effort.  Weather, operations, and maintenance permitting CAF SoCal will also fly one of their warbirds for you.


2023-02-27T21:44:02-07:00September 22nd, 2022|News|

PBJ Presentation Aug 6, 2022

Thank you all who came out to learn about our bomber and support the Commemorative Air Force!


PBJ Mitchell Presentation August 6,

The Tree Top Terror! That’s what Japanese ground forces called Marine
Corps PBJ and Army Air Force B-25 medium bombers as they rampaged at
very low altitudes across the Southwest Pacific from 1943 onward. Given
the leeway by accommodating leadership to test and evaluate different
tactics and armament configurations in the field, that’s just what they
did. Come experience living history as CAF SoCal conducts a presentation
on the varying tactics and armament used by PBJ units as they constantly
adjusted to operational needs and enemy counter-tactics. We’ll also open
our magnificent PBJ-1J, which took 23 years to restore to flying condition,
so you can tour the inside of the aircraft.

2022-09-19T17:23:37-07:00June 19th, 2022|News|

Gone West – Steve Barber

There are many, many volunteers that contribute to the Commemorative Air Force, and many of those are members of, and work hard to enrich the Southern California Air Wing here in Camarillo.  Few, however, can match the dedication, time involved, and effort in building a strong foundation of volunteers, aircraft, and facilities.   It is very safe to state that the CAFSOCAL would not be what it is today without Steve Barber.  

As a dedication to his memory, we are posting his memorial video here for the public to enjoy, as many of us have enjoyed remembering Steve.  Please feel free to email with any additional stories, photos, or videos of Steve that other friends and family of Steve would like to see. 

Thank you Steve for all that you have done for our organization and wing – you will be dearly.


2022-03-01T20:03:17-07:00January 8th, 2022|News|

U2 Spy Pilot Event – Nov 6th

This event was a success!  Thank you all who came out to hear this incredible story.

We hosted a talk by Francis Gary Powers Jr., son of famed U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers. 

After the talk, the author was available for questions and the signing of his latest book;

Spy Pilot

Francis Gary Powers, the U-2 Incident, and a Controversial Cold War Legacy

By Francis Gary Powers Jr. and Keith Dunnavant

Based on newly available information, the son of famed U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers presents the facts and dispels misinformation about the Cold War espionage program that his father was part of and was featured in Steven Spielberg’s Bridge of Spies.


2021-12-04T17:03:34-07:00October 23rd, 2021|News|
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